Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Beginning: Chapter One; part two

"Oh," said Fyrin. "Maybe..." he began but was interrupted by voices.
"I'm sure it came this way Jack," said a feminine voice.
"I believe you. It's just, I don't get why you're chasing after dragons like a little girl. C'mon Jordan, they might not even exist." said a guy, Jack.
"They do exist. But be quiet, you'll scare it off." chided Jordan.
As they tramped through the underbrush, Saf motioned with his hands, indicating they should go up a tree. Fyrin nodded and complied. Soon enough, Jack and Jordan walked into the moon-lit glade. "It must have flown off. See what your talking did?" Jordan said, brushing some of her shoulder-length brown hair out of her green eyes. She wore a sword on her back, and obviously knew how to use it.
"You're a little young to wear that sword." commented Fyrin, dropping from his tree in front of them.
Jordan's hand twitched toward her sword, as she walked towards Fyrin, unwittingly putting her back to Saf's tree. "You want to test the blade elf? I haven't had practice in a while, tracking the dragon and all. Do you have any idea how hard it is to track a creature who can avoid leaving a trail?"
"I'm sure he has a fair idea." commented Saf, dropping down from the tree behind her.
"Is it raining elves today?" murmured Jack.
Jordan slapped Jack on the back of his head. "Have you two seen a dragon fly by here lately?"
"A dragon. Hmm, is it a Sapphire dragon?" asked Fyrin, glancing at Saf slyly.
"As far as I can tell, yeah." answered Jordan.
"Does it look a little like this?" said Saf. He turned into his 75 foot long dragon form, curling around to fit in the small clearing.
Jordan and Jack stepped back, mouths agape. Fyrin laughed at their dumbfounded expressions, and Saf grinned, showing foot long fangs.
Jack fainted.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Chronicles of Saf: The Beginning: Chapter One; Part One

The dragon-in-elf form padded softly into the glade. His sapphire hair swayed as he turned his head, looking for his pursuers. His dark blue eyes glinted in the light of the four moons. Xelar, or Saf as his friend called him, had been chased away from his lair by a group of dragon slayers, human at that. Apparently they mistook him for a Sapphire Selvour.
Saf snorted, mistaken indeed! They were just bored with the end of the War, and were looking for some fun. Which is why he hadn't gone ahead and fried them.
To his left a bush rustled. Saf leaped back, starting the change to take him into his dragon form.
"Hah!" came the unmistakable rasp of Fyrin from the bush. "Those dragon slayers must have really put you on edge to have you jumping at bushes, when I know you should have been able to smell me at least."
"Fyrin, you really shouldn't do that to this old dragon." Saf replied. They always played this game, everytime they were on the run. Which was a lot.
"You? Old? Why if I didn't know better I'd say you were no more than a young elf!" said the fire elf. Fyrin casually tossed a conjured ball of fire from hand to hand as he walked around the glade. The fire elves could conjure and control fire with no more than a thought. Which is why they were so rare, they and the other elemental elves had been scared off a few centuries ago. The human wizards feared them, and the dragons, even though both were harmless.
"You're one to talk," said Saf, casting a small cantrip to summon up his traveling pack from the now abandoned cave. "Let's go. We have a long way to travel."
"Where are we going?" asked Fyrin as he ran to catch up with Saf.
"Roanvell, the elven home. Hopefully, the elves won't be so eager to kill a dragon."

Writing my own orignal work. Feedback is appreciated. Hopefully I will get the next part(s) up in a few days.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Welcome All Who Are Here.

Welcome to my humble "Abode" this is not the best site I know *shakes head sadly* but it still will function as my base to take over the world of ants. Anyways, this site is dedicated to all things great: Diablo II, Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, RM2k3 (RPG Maker 2003), books, and various other things such as pizza, and monkeys. If you have any questions or want to add anything to my list of greatness then e-mail me at darkelftrilogy@hotmail.com . Well on with the show!