Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Beginning: Chapter One; part two

"Oh," said Fyrin. "Maybe..." he began but was interrupted by voices.
"I'm sure it came this way Jack," said a feminine voice.
"I believe you. It's just, I don't get why you're chasing after dragons like a little girl. C'mon Jordan, they might not even exist." said a guy, Jack.
"They do exist. But be quiet, you'll scare it off." chided Jordan.
As they tramped through the underbrush, Saf motioned with his hands, indicating they should go up a tree. Fyrin nodded and complied. Soon enough, Jack and Jordan walked into the moon-lit glade. "It must have flown off. See what your talking did?" Jordan said, brushing some of her shoulder-length brown hair out of her green eyes. She wore a sword on her back, and obviously knew how to use it.
"You're a little young to wear that sword." commented Fyrin, dropping from his tree in front of them.
Jordan's hand twitched toward her sword, as she walked towards Fyrin, unwittingly putting her back to Saf's tree. "You want to test the blade elf? I haven't had practice in a while, tracking the dragon and all. Do you have any idea how hard it is to track a creature who can avoid leaving a trail?"
"I'm sure he has a fair idea." commented Saf, dropping down from the tree behind her.
"Is it raining elves today?" murmured Jack.
Jordan slapped Jack on the back of his head. "Have you two seen a dragon fly by here lately?"
"A dragon. Hmm, is it a Sapphire dragon?" asked Fyrin, glancing at Saf slyly.
"As far as I can tell, yeah." answered Jordan.
"Does it look a little like this?" said Saf. He turned into his 75 foot long dragon form, curling around to fit in the small clearing.
Jordan and Jack stepped back, mouths agape. Fyrin laughed at their dumbfounded expressions, and Saf grinned, showing foot long fangs.
Jack fainted.